NGG School

NGG School

Energy Consumption Reduction
CO2 reductions
Capital Expenditure
Savings on operating expenses
Payback period
Fast Facts:

Energy system: Heat pump integrated with Aquifer Thermal Energy Storage (ATES)

Geothermal storage wells: One pair of wells at ~100m depth

Heat pump: EM1 with Danfoss Turbocor®, equipped with simultaneous heating, cooling and hot water

Heating capacity: 580 kW

Cooling capacity: 580 kW

Heating delivery and efficiency: 700 MWh/year; COP* > 3,5

Cooling delivery and efficiency: 700 MWh/year; COP > 20,0

Integrated system efficiency: Expected COP > 6,5

*Coefficient of Performance (COP) measures efficiency by indicating how much heating or cooling energy a system provides for every 1 kWh of electricity it consumes. It is calculated as the ratio of the amount of useful heating or cooling energy produced to the amount of electrical energy consumed.

Project Overview

Wihlborgs A/S is constructing a new school in Hørsholm, Denmark, to house Nordsjællands Grundskole & Gymnasium (NGG). Designed with sustainability at its core, the school aims for a DGNB Gold certification, emphasizing a low CO2 footprint and integrating sustainability into the students' education.


Wihlborgs has partnered with Energy Machines ApS under an Energy-as-a-Service (EaaS) contract to provide and operate a turnkey energy solution for the new NGG. Energy Machines will help realize Wihlborgs’ and NGG’s ambitious sustainability goals through an innovative energy system. Energy Machines designs, owns, and manages the energy system, taking on all responsibilities and costs related to installation, operation, and maintenance. This model provides financial freedom and reduced risk for Wihlborgs, promoting a greener, more resilient future.

Geothermal Integrated Energy System

The 12,500 sqm school will use a geothermal integrated energy system to provide 100% renewable heating and cooling for its 1,350 students and staff. The system will move energy between geothermal ground storage and the school using a heat pump and flexible software controls, with no connection to district energy providers. The only external energy used will be electricity for the heat pump and groundwater pumps. The system boasts an efficiency of 650%, with a COP of approximately 6.5 for combined heating and cooling.

Aquifer Thermal Energy Storage (ATES)

NGG will use an Aquifer Thermal Energy Storage (ATES) system to store and retrieve energy efficiently. The system captures summer heat for winter use and stores winter cold for summer cooling. Energy Machines’ EM Control software ensures continuous optimization, maximizing efficiency and minimizing waste.

Educational Opportunity

The energy system is designed to be an educational tool, featuring transparent walls for the heat pump energy central and geothermal well houses. This allows NGG students, staff, and visitors to learn about geothermal energy solutions and the role of software in green energy.

Client Testimonial

"Wihlborgs is delighted to collaborate with Energy Machines on this innovative energy system for NGG. We look forward to the benefits for the school and hope for future collaborations on other properties. This project underscores Wihlborgs' commitment to green initiatives," says Martin Dagnæs, Project Developer at Wihlborgs.

Construction Update

Construction began with drilling test wells in February and March 2024, carried out by Brøndboringsfirmaet Brøker A/S. This phase will help Energy Machines quantify groundwater flow and assess thermal storage conditions for the NGG project.

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